Report a Trail Issue
The Quicksilver Running Club helps Santa Clara County Park ensure trail safety in the Almaden Quicksilver County Park. Please help us by reporting trail issues such as downed trees, mud slides, bridge damage, or other safety hazards. We will fix those issues or notify park rangers when a chain saw or other equipment is required.
Note: for mountain lion sighting, please email directly the Almaden Quicksilver/Calero park ranger who will also notify the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
How to describe an issue:
Provide a short description of the issue with approximate location and a picture if possible. For downed trees, it helps if we get the following:
Describe the tree affecting the trail (trunk, crown, multi-trunk, elevated, root-ball, ruptured trail tread)
Type/species of tree also helps to judge hardness of the wood…also specify if it's dead or green wood.
If you cannot take a picture also give the approximate diameter of the wood laying across the trail tread and immediate edges (on a road width trail we call this the flail edge as the mower, called a flail, would cut this and the park needs to keep wood out of that zone).
Report an Issue in the Form Below: